Content Clusters
Content clusters is a critical yet overlooked aspect of content production. If you want your website to have an amazing performance on google searches, then this is a trend you want to catch up on. Google is moving further and further towards rewarding sites that are specific to a certain topic.
In this retrospect, it is advisable to create a cluster of topics that surround your market niche and cross link them to each other. This will demand that you identify the overall topic, that your company is all about. Liken it to creating a pillar piece of content. It could be your home page or a comprehensive copy about your overall topic. An example of a pillar article is one focusing on fashion in general.
From here, develop multiple cluster pages that go into specific details on various aspects concerning your overall topic. From your overall fashion topic, you then create specific cluster topics such as shoes, dresses, skirts, swimsuits, eye wear, and so forth. The result is multiple pages that go into specific details of different aspects surrounding your pillar topic. Thus, your cluster pages will link to your pillar page and your pillar article will link back to your cluster pages.
It is like creating a rich network of informational material linked together to attract and create ease of read for all your website pages. When one page performs well, your entire cluster system receives a boost as well. This way, your website signals google that you are an expert in your field, and thus increasing your likelihood of a top spot in google searches.