KTDA Foundation

Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited is one of the largest private tea management agencies. The Agency currently manages 68 factories in the small-scale tea sub-sector in Kenya. KTDA Foundation is a vehicle through which KTDA Holding and its subsidiaries carry out corporate social responsibility and sustainability (CSR & CSS) through resources raised both internally and externally.

Brand Positioning
Website Development
Search Engine Optimization

Until its engagement with EKAR, KTDA Foundation did not have a digital presence.

Providing that its key target audience exists here in Kenya, there was a need to build it a strong brand presence in this space. EKAR’s expertise in positioning a brand through imagery, design, content and strategy came incredibly into play.

We appreciate the impact the digital realm has on our day to day life. We  acknowledge that the internet is becoming the largest hub of information today.

Bearing this in mind, EKAR provided KTDA with a 360-degree digital footprint. We not only engaged KTDA-F’s existing partners but also left a path that potential target audience can pursue and actively engage with.  We provided expert visual imagery, template design and relevant copy development focusing on achievements and results.

to view the website



Counties with Happy Faces


Projects Delivered and counting


Stories told


"Nyama choma" brain storming sessions